Frequently Asked Questions

Where is OCC located?

1142 Lakefield Road in Grafton, WI. Click here to see a map.

When do worship activities take place?

Currently, worship services take place on Sunday mornings at 9:30am and are also live-streamed at on our Youtube channel. Additional activities, including adult Bible study opportunities take place throughout the year.

Where should I park?

There's a parking lot on the west and north sides of the buildings. Please feel free to park in any of the available spaces. We strongly advise against parking on Lakefield Road due to serious safety risks.

When should I arrive for worship?

Most people arrive 10-15 minutes before the service's scheduled start time. On special occasions, you may want to allow a little more lead time.

How long does a typical service last?

Services typically run 60 minutes.

Should my kids attend worship with me?

Kids are always welcome at OCC! Our kids meet in their designated classrooms at the same time as service. There are occasional services where the kids will start service with the adults and then be dismissed to their classrooms. Visit our homepage to sign-up for the electronic bulletin, which comes out every Saturday and includes this information. Of course kids are always welcome to attend the service with you if you prefer.

Am I welcome to take Communion?

Absolutely! We believe that the communion table is the Lord's table—not ours. So, like most Congregational churches, we have what is called an "open table." That means that you need not be a member of this church, or any church, to partake. The decision to participate (or not) is entirely between you and God. We typically celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month, and on special days of the church year, such as Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday.

Where are the restrooms?

Restrooms are located on both levels of the Fellowship building, just a few paces from the sanctuary. A bubbler is located on the upper level of the Fellowship building, between the two restroom doors. 

Is there fellowship following worship services? 

Immediately following each Sunday morning worship service, "Coffee & Conversation" takes place in Fellowship Hall—usually accompanied by tasty treats! All are welcome...we mean that sincerely. So, if you don't need to rush off to another commitment after worship, please come sip, nibble, and mingle.

What about weddings, baptisms, funerals, & memorial services?

We are glad to host events and services at OCC and to support people in joy and in sorrow. To discuss the possibility of holding a special ceremony at OCC, please contact the church office - or 262-377-3938.

Several times each year, we officially receive new members during worship services. Contact our Senior Minister, Jeff Larson, to discuss membership. You are welcome here!